22nd German Heat Pump FORUM | 27th - 28th November 2024

The 22nd German Heat Pump FORUM will take place on the 27th and 28th of November 2024, in Berlin at the Bolle-Festsälen. An important date for the German-speaking heat pump industry: large and small manufacturers, specialist trades, scientists and politicians. Over the span of two days the industry's most pressing issues will be discussed. Simultaneous translation is available on site.

You will find a variety of accommodation options in the immediate vicinity of the Bolle-Festsäle. We recommend an overnight stay at the Abion Hotel Spreebogen, which is directly neighbouring the Bolle-Festsäle. A BWP contingent is available to all guests for this purpose, which you can use when booking. If you have overlooked this option before and would still like to book, simply contact us.
Photo review
This was the 21st German Heat Pump FORUM in the Bolle-Festsäle:
Photos: BWP/K. Breustedt